Play Guides – Forex Learning and Training
Basics and Virtual Portfolio
- Create Currency Portfolio ( Maximum 6 Currency Pairs ). Any additional pair comes at a cost of Rs 100/ 1.5 $ per Pair
- These chosen 6 pairs will make opening dashboard screen and then each time App is opened, the 6 chosen pairs currency streaming will open mentioned as Fx Live
- Click on any currency pair and Make a trade
- Once a trade is initiated as a Buy or a Sell, it becomes part of the next screen “ Portfolio” where you can monitor the “ Marked to Market” or “ The current Value” of the trade undertaken. This will help in understanding whether the trade undertaken is making or losing money at the current market levels.
- Depending upon whether the trade is making or losing money, action can be taken to Unwind the trade either in full or partial.
- One the trade is Unwound, it will become part of the Profit and Loss ( PnL) screen to check the money made or lost on a trade and at a portfolio level.